Artificial Intelligence: A brief history, importance, advantages, and disadvantages

Artificial Intelligence: A brief history, importance, advantages, and disadvantages

Artificial Intelligence: A brief history, importance, advantages, and disadvantages

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence expressed by robots when compared to the natural intelligence exhibited by humans and animals. The study of intelligent agents, or any system that understands its environment and acts in a way that maximizes its chances of succeeding, has been defined as the focus of AI research. Read this article to know Artificial Intelligence: A brief history, importance, advantages, and disadvantages...

Machines are already capable of mimicking and even outperforming human minds, thanks to artificial intelligence. AI is becoming more and more prevalent in daily life, from the emergence of self-driving cars to the proliferation of smart assistants like Siri and Alexa. As a result, numerous IT firms from a variety of sectors are making investments in artificial intelligence technologies. 

What is Artificial Intelligence?

The goal of the broad field of artificial intelligence in computer science is to create intelligent machines that can carry out tasks that traditionally call for human intelligence.

A quick overview of artificial intelligence:

Computers could execute commands prior to 1949, but they were unable to retain these commands, therefore they were unable to recall what they had done. In his work "Computing Machinery and Intelligence," published in 1950, Alan Turing examined how to create and assess intelligent machines. Five years later, during the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence, the initial AI program was displayed (DSPRAI). For several decades, this incident served as a catalyst for Artificial Intelligence development.

Between 1957 and 1974, computers were quicker, more affordable, and more widely available. As machine learning algorithms advanced, one of the hosts of DSPRAI predicted to Life Magazine in 1970 that within three to eight years, a computer will have the same general intelligence as the typical person. Despite their achievements, computers' incapacity to effectively retain or swiftly interpret information posed challenges over the next 10 years in the development of artificial intelligence.

With the development of the algorithmic toolbox and increased funding, AI experienced a resurgence in the 1980s. Deep learning techniques, developed by John Hopfield and David Rumelhart, let computers gain knowledge via practice. "Expert systems," which resembled human decision-making, were first introduced by Edward Feigenbaum. Despite a lack of government support and media hoopla, Artificial Intelligence flourished, and several significant objectives were accomplished over the following two decades. Grandmaster and current chess World Champion Gary Kasparov lost to IBM's Deep Blue, a chess-playing computer program, in 1997. In the same year, Windows users could use speech recognition software created by Dragon Systems. Additionally, Cynthia Brea-zeal created Kismet, a robot that could discern and express emotions.

A poker-playing supercomputer named Libratus defeated the greatest human players in 2017 after Google's AlphaGo algorithm defeated Lee Se-dol in Go in 2016.

Types of Artificial intelligence

Based on the kinds and levels of complexity of the tasks a system is capable of performing, Artificial Intelligence can be categorized into four categories. Automated spam filtering, for instance, belongs to the most fundamental category of artificial intelligence, while the distant possibility of creating robots that can understand human emotions and thoughts belongs to a completely separate subcategory of Artificial Intelligence.

Here are types of artificial intelligence.

  • Reactive machines: They can perceive and respond to the environment around them while carrying out specific activities.
  • Limited memory: able to save historical information and forecasts to help with future predictions.
  • Theory of mind: the capacity to make choices based on assumptions about how others feel and think.
  • Self-awareness: Ability to function at a human level of consciousness and comprehend one's own existence.

Reactive Machines:

The most fundamental AI principles are followed by a reactive computer, which, as its name suggests, can only use its intellect to see and respond to the environment in front of it. Because a reactive machine lacks memory, it is unable to use previous experiences to guide current decisions.

Reactive machines can only perform a small number of highly specialized tasks because they are only capable of experiencing the world immediately. However, intentionally limiting the scope of a reactive machine's worldview means that this kind of Artificial Intelligence will be more dependable and trustworthy – it will respond consistently to the same stimuli.

Limited Memory

When gathering information and assessing options, limited memory Artificial Intelligence has the capacity to store earlier facts and forecasts, effectively looking back in time for hints on what might happen next. Reactive machines lack the complexity and potential that limited memory Artificial Intelligence offers.

Limited memory Artificial Intelligence environment is developed so that models can be automatically taught and refreshed, or AI is created when a team continuously teaches a model in how to understand and use new data.

Theory of mind:

The theory of mind is purely hypothetical. The technological and scientific advancements required to reach this advanced level of AI have not yet been attained.

The idea is founded on the psychological knowledge that one's own behavior is influenced by the thoughts and feelings of other living creatures. This would imply that AI computers might understand how people, animals, and other machines feel and make decisions through self-reflection and determination and would use that knowledge to make their own decisions. In essence, robots would need to be able to understand and interpret the idea of the "mind," the changes in emotions during decision-making, and a plethora of other psychological notions in real-time, establishing two-way communication between humans and machines.


The final stage of AI development will be for it to become self-aware after the theory of mind has been created, which will likely take a very long time. This sort of AI is conscious on a par with humans and is aware of both its own presence and the presence and emotional states of others. It would be able to comprehend what other people could need based on both what they say to them and how they say it.

AI self-awareness depends on human researchers being able to comprehend the basis of consciousness and then figure out how to reproduce it in machines.

Techniques for Using Artificial Intelligence:

Let's look at the following examples of how we can use AI:

Learning Machines

Artificial Intelligence has the capacity to learn thanks to machine learning. Algorithms are used to do this by mining the data they are exposed to for patterns and insights.

In-depth Learning

AI can simulate the neural network of the human brain thanks to deep learning, a branch of machine learning. It can help make sense of the data's patterns, noise, and sources of misunderstanding.

AI Applications and How It Operates

The automatic switching of appliances at home is a typical application of Artificial Intelligence that we see nowadays.

The sensors in the room recognize your presence and turn on the lights when you walk into a dark space. This is an illustration of a machine without memory. Some of the more sophisticated AI programs can even estimate your consumption patterns and activate appliances without your explicit input.

Some Artificial Intelligence applications can recognize your speech and respond appropriately. The TV will turn on when you command it to do so using its sound sensors.

Importance of Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence has a variety of applications, including speeding up a vaccine research and automating fraud detection.

According to CB Insights, 2021 witnessed a record-breaking year for Artificial Intelligence private market activity, with global funding rising 108% from the previous year. Artificial intelligence (AI) is causing a stir in a number of industries due to its rapid adoption.

In its 2022 research on AI in banking, Business Insider Intelligence revealed that more than half of financial services firms now utilize AI technologies for risk management and revenue-generating. Savings of up to $400 billion could result from the use of AI 
(Artificial Intelligence) in banking.

And for medicine, a 2021 World Health Organization research said that while incorporating AI into the healthcare industry has its difficulties, the technology "holds immense potential" as it may result in advantages like better health policy and more accurate patient diagnosis.

AI has also impacted the entertainment industry. According to Grand View Research, the global market for AI in media and entertainment would increase from a value of $10.87 billion in 2021 to $99.48 billion by 2030. In that extension, AI applications like detecting plagiarism and creating high-definition visuals are included.

Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

Although Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly seen as a valuable and rapidly developing asset, this young area is not without its drawbacks.

In 2021, the Pew Research Center polled 10,260 Americans about their views on Artificial Intelligence. According to the findings, 37% of respondents are more concerned than excited, while 45% of respondents are both excited and concerned. Furthermore, more than 40% of respondents said they believed driverless automobiles will be detrimental to society. Even still, more respondents to the survey (almost 40%) thought it was a good idea to use AI to track the spread of incorrect information on social media.

AI is a blessing for increasing efficiency and productivity while also lowering the possibility of human error. However, there are some drawbacks as well, such as the expense of development and the potential for robots to take over human occupations. It's important to remember, though, that the artificial intelligence sector has the potential to provide a variety of occupations, some of which haven't even been imagined yet.


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